I just had to publish this Posting where Rich responds to some comments to his blog posting called "I Don’t Think We Can Be Friends Anymore":
November 23rd, 2007 12:07 pm Rich Schefren
Let’s get a few things straight.
When I said, “We can no longer be friends”, I was referring to my readers, prospects, clients, and fellow internet marketers that claim they’re listening to me, agreeing with me, but still (for some strange reason) not hearing my message.
I despise opportunistic thinking (as opposed to strategic thinking). It’s been one of my central rallying points since starting Strategic Profits.
Here’s why: It’s a bug (like a software bug), a thinking virus of some sort, residing in the brains of all those infected..
I say it’s a bug because it’s flies in the face of all reality. It’s a desire to get something for nothing. And that my friends is the one of the initial ingredients to everything bad in this world.
The PARASITE inside must be starved – yet, the opportunist thinker does the opposite – it feeds it.
When you focus your attention on a free ride to your dreams – and you pay whoever promises you the fastest and easiest trip, you can be guaranteed only one thing – the destination is never what was sold to you.
So, if you really believe there’s a magic “SECRET” that stands between yourself and massive wealth, or that there are real people (just like you and me) who know the secrets, but for some reason they are “SECRETS THEY DON’T WANT YOUTO KNOW”. Then you are either paranoid, scarcity minded, or insane – not three qualities I look for in my friends.
So, if I’ve been describing you - I don’t want to be friends with you anymore – it really is as simple as that.
A few readers have questioned why i would be friends with Mike Filsaime, and using him as an example of someone who sells “crap”.
At first I ignored these comments because they aren’t even on the same page of this post. There’s a big difference between an opportunity seeker and a sleezy marketer (which is what certain readers were accusing mike of being – which I disagree with 100%). I was writing about opportunity seekers and some of you felt it was a good place to point fingers at Mike and basically accuse him of sleezy marketing.
I saw it but, I ignored it, hoping one of my readers would address the issue for me so I didn’t need to get involved.
Yes, it’s true Mike Filsaime IS a close personal friend of mine. In fact, I feel extremely fortunate to be such close friends with Mike.
He was the friend that pushed me just enough to convince me to release the Internet Business Manifesto, He was the friend who believed in my message so much, he called all of his affiliates to personally get their commitment to mail for me. On top of all that, there’s even more. On my long list of well known clients – he was the ONLY (yes –only) guru who ever gave me credit when he was on stage in front of hundreds or thousands of marketers.
So, you can probably understand, when it comes to Mike Filsaime I am more than just a little biased.
But I am not only friends with Mike Filsaime because of what he’s done for me. In fact, there’s a bigger reason. I’ve got massive respect for Mike, he’s and I are very different types of people - in fact, sometimes I wish I acted a little more like Filsaime.
Mike’s an action oriented guy that gets things done fast. It’s that quick “get it done” quality that makes Mike one of the most successful guys in our industry and someone I admire.
Now, I am not going to defend every product he’s ever produced, it’s not my job to, and that’s not how I judge someone. I am also not going to defend his good reputation because a few like to question it. Anyone can do a google search on Mike, and make up there own mind.
Let’s take a look at some of the recent products from Mike Filsaime.
• PayDotCom
• Butterfly Marketing
• $5000 Workshop with glowing reviews
• The 7 Figure Code
• i5 Gold Mentoring Program
• Viral Friend Generator (I use it as you have seen)
• and several other quality products, software, and services that are used by thousands all over the web today.
I think it is unfair for any new person to marketing or new reader to my blog that may not know Mike, to get any impression of him based on the comments made by the many on this blog that may not know the real facts of his business (some that i have outlined above.)
If anyone wants to say that Mike does not run a quality value based business, then they really do not have there ear to the ground in this community.
I think I would NOT be a friend to Mike to allow this blog post to go off topic in such a way where the facts are just not stated correctly and I wanted to let my readers know that I think Mike’s products are great I happen to know he really cares about his customers and the value he create for them.
He’s one of the good guys and I refuse to have a few point to one out of his over 100 products as proof of anything.
Thanks for reading,
Rich Schefren