Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Can you build a business that runs without you?

Rich Schefren rich@strategicprofits.com to me

Aug 13 (2 days ago) 

Dear Val,

Let me ask you a QUICK question.

If I could give you a more effective business strategy
that would SIGNIFICANTLY "outperform" the approach
you are currently using, would you be interested?

The fact is--that no matter how much experience
you have generating income online, I can PROVE to
you readily by demonstration that you are NOT
maximizing your potential, and I want the opportunity
to show you the way in which you may completely
and easily, DOUBLE or even TRIPLE your revenue in
just a few short months.

Even if you're starting from scratch--I'll show you the
quickest way to build a PROFITABLE online business.

And I'm NOT talking about the type of business that's
here today and gone tomorrow. I've seen enough fly-
by-night websites that make a little money then quickly
kick the bucket. Let's face it, theses are not a real
businesses, these are just short-sighted opportunities
that are nothing but a waste of time.

A real million dollar business has several components:

#1. It is built around an existing demand.

#2. Decisions are based on numbers--NOT opinions.

#3. The owner does not need to be present all the time.

#4. The owner is passionate about the business.

#5. The owner is not afraid to relinquish some control.

#6. The owner knows how to build a team.

#7. The owner understands marketing very well.

Notice how almost all of these components revolve
around the OWNER and not some magic bullet or slick
marketing gimmick? It's time you take a step back from
what you're doing and ask yourself:

"Where did my beliefs about business come from?"

It goes without saying that you're here to learn more
about building an online business. But in order to build
a wildly profitable operation that churns out cash you
need to take a look at YOURSELF first.

There are "gurus" running around all over the place
that will tell you whatever it takes in order to get you to
empty your wallet on their cheap bag of no-good web

You know the type I'm talking about, don't you?

And let's face it. It's easy to spend an arm and a leg on
what they're selling because they know EXACTLY what
you want to hear. But in reality... it's like the blind
leading the blind.

Let me share a secret with you...

Most of these "so-called" gurus do NOT have a real
business. Sure they make good money, but it's only
temporary. These guys make a quick-buck but then
they're back on the street, peddling their garbage, in
hopes that some sucker will come along and buy into
their scheme.

If you want to know the TRUTH about what it takes to
build a business that works FOR you, rather than against
you--then I highly suggest you stop everything you're
doing and devour my "Internet Business Manifesto".

Click the link below to download this report:

Now between you, me and the lamppost, I think my
free report is worth more than most paid products out
there. But don't take my word for it. Check it out.

To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren

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