Hey Val,
Is your online business struggling for respect and attention?
If so, it's time to market your business so it gets both – and a lot of customers as well.
You've probably noticed that the last series on my blog dealt with attention – how to get it, how to hold it, and what kind of influence you can have with it.
I'd like to switch gears to marketing now and how it can help really build your online business.
I've enlisted comedian Rodney Dangerfield (R.I.P.) to help. His "no respect" schtick is perfectly suited for this task.
Consider this question: If you market to your prospects and give them exactly what they want, will they still respect you in the morning?
And will that respect command attention?
So put on your red tie, bug out your eyes, and speak in your best Rodney Dangerfield voice: "I tell you... I get no respect... no respect at all.”
Maybe Rodney couldn’t, but you can...
Go here and leave me your comment.
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
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