Re: Rich Schefren Letting Out What's Been Clearly Bottled-Up
Not much I can say here...
You just have to watch - CLICK HERE.
I think Brian Johnson might be a bit EMBARASSED
by this. But, I'm showing you anyway!
"Rich Schefren is by far, the best Online Business building coach in the whole universe right now. If you want your business to survive in the advent of a new Web 3.0 revolution - you absolutely MUST watch his videos, subscribe to his blogs, read his books and take his coaching program at: I highly recommend his works to everyone who is serious about building his or her wealth online. Period." - Val Slastnikov, Business Solutions Consultant
Re: Rich Schefren Letting Out What's Been Clearly Bottled-Up
Not much I can say here...
You just have to watch - CLICK HERE.
I think Brian Johnson might be a bit EMBARASSED
by this. But, I'm showing you anyway!
Attend "The League" Panel 4 Webcast All Weekend
Long, Starting Tonight at 8:00pm:
Your next "League of Extraordinary Minds" Panel
Discussion Session starts at 8:00pm TONIGHT
(your local time).
And to make it even easier for you to attend, we're
making the Panel 4 Webcast...
"The Business Building Triple Play: The Three Key
Levels that'll Multiply Any Small Business from
the Inside Out"
... available from 8:00pm Thursday, November 19th
(your local time) all the way through the weekend
until Sunday night at midnight!
Just Register HERE
... and get ready to take LOTS of notes.
Join us for our Panel 4 discussion... "The
Business Building Triple Play: The Three Key
Levels that'll Multiply Any Small Business from
the Inside Out"...
Where you'll discover:
- How to MULTIPLY your small business profits...
- Critical factors for creating a thriving company...
- The Number 1 Strategy for ANY entrepreneur...
- The "Not So Obvious" factors that bring huge gains...
- How to create a "stunning impact" on your customers...
- Three "essential behaviors" of million dollar companies...
And much, much more!
...anytime this weekend between
8:00pm tonight (your local time) and Midnight on
See you then!
To your business growth,
Rich Schefren
Jay Abraham
You missed out on something spectacular yesterday
-- and normally that would be a tragedy.
Why? Read just some of the wildly positive
feedback we received from entrepreneurs just like
you who listened in on the panel broadcast to see
what you missed out on...
Karl says:
"The panel members were extraordinary as the
name states. These millionaires have
absolutely brilliant insights coming from so
many different angels that it resonated with
me on an unbelievable level. Thank you to all
the panel members."
Greg says:
"How could I go wrong engaging and enlisting
some of the strongest minds in business.
There are too many things to list that I have
taken away from these interviews. If the rest
are like this... I will be miles ahead of where I
am now. I definitely plan on telling as many
people as possible about this "Extraordinary"
series. I'm already looking forward to the next
Gerard Wong says:
"The first session was filled with so much
distilled wisdom and practical strategies
that would have taken many years for an
individual to discover by himself. The panel
has translated the confusion into useful
actionable items.
Kudos also to Jay and Rich, not only for
putting the whole thing together but also for
the invaluable insight from their own
interpretations of the panel discussion."
Conray says:
"I have travel around the world seeking some
of the wisdom of the greatest business minds
SEVERAL times, I have been on the top
training programmes and learned a lot, BUT at
a huge expense and major cost. At this
webinar I got the most amazing value in
comfort of my home! This is a real WOW!"
Anise says:
"The experts helped clarify why some things
have not been going well in my present
business, the things that need to be
addressed and the means to do it."
Get The Recording, Transcript and Action Guide
We created the nine guest panels to give you and
your business explosive profit breakthroughs in
the next six weeks alone. This way you'd be eager
to continue as paid member.
But that will never happen for either of us (you
won't get the breakthroughs... we won't get you as
an ongoing paid member) if we don't figure out a
way to get you to experience each and every one of
these nine separate expert panel sessions.
We don't know if you forgot, or had a scheduling
conflict -- or really and truly didn't realize that we
were going to "deliver-the-goods", just like we
But we did. In fact we overdelivered. In case you
don't believe it, here are some more rave reviews
we got yesterday...
Mariana says:
"Great information, anyone in business should
register to this amazing resource. Thanks."
Dan Johnston says:
"Some great refreshers and a ton of new
information. Joining the webinar has really
helped get me back into the zone and focus on
a few key sales issues."
John says:
"This is not your typical internet marketing
product, it is more a masters level business
education in marketing. There was so much
information in such a short period of time! I
am positive this information will benefit my
life and business."
Boyana says:
"First, I want to say Thank You for this
great webcast! I took tons of notes, and I'm
intend to come back to them and act on what I
learned. I really appreciate the action steps
on how to make yourself be seen as credible,
as well as how to create lasting relationships
with your partners by listening."
Glen says:
"So far, I have a few good takeaways. 1) To
build trust quickly, commit, deliver, repeat.
2) The importance of remaining relevant to
our target customer. 3) Most of us do not see
ourselves as others see us. 4) Publish to gain
credibility by being relevant and providing
actionable, effective insight. Thank you Rich
and Jay for your efforts."
Richard says:
"I already employed some of the things from
the Tony Robbins audio. I am glad I joined. I
am learning new stuff all the time. To a friend
I would say, there is great inspiration to be had
here no matter where you are at in business."
Get The Recording, Transcript and Action Guide
We want YOU to be part of our ongoing paid
service. So, in a sincere effort to make that
happen we've decided to re-extend to you the offer
to receive the complete collection of transcripts,
audio recordings, and highly detailed action-
planning-guides for each and every one of the nine
guest panels -- including the one you just missed.
That way (whether you attend the actual broadcast
or not) you'll ALWAYS have a way to profit from
each and every brilliant idea each expert panelist
shares in those sessions.
But it gets better...
Our goal here is to win you over as a long term,
paid member.
So, we're offering you nine recordings, nine
complete transcripts, and nine master-level action
planning guides (seriously worth nearly one
thousand dollars) all for a ridiculously modest price
of just $47.
But it gets better still...
For that one meager payment we're also going to
"buy" you your first full month of the paid
premium service, on top.
And even that modest payment will NOT be
considered binding on your part by us until you've
received all the recordings, transcripts and action
guides for all nine panels.
If they don't dramatically multiply the value of
the service just tell us at the end of the ninth
session and your $47 will be rushed right back to
If the guest membership pays off the way we
promised, stay in the paid service for as long as
IT continues to deliver-the-goods. But there's
never any long term commitment on your part.
You can cancel any month it fails to deliver.
Click here to get your transcripts, recordings,
and action guides -- all within 72 hours of each
panel broadcast.
Get The Recording, Transcript and Action Guide
To your business success,
Rich Schefren
Jay Abraham
P.S. When you sign up you'll immediately get the
recording of last night's panel session (that you
Get The Recording, Transcript and Action Guide
P.P.S. As a point of reference, according to Alexa
the webcast last night was the ninth most popular
website on the Internet worldwide. Entrepreneurs
everywhere recognize profitable advice when they
hear it. Don't miss out on these valuable and
profitable takeaways...
Listen to this Exclusive Introductory Interview with Anthony Robbins where he explains the value of The League of Extraordinary Minds and why you should join this 6-week program.
Dear Experts,
Two days ago I created a Presentation on about The Biggest Launch in the Internet Marketing that the most Extraordinary Minds in the History of Mankind have been working on for the last year…
If you have missed that presentation – click here
Today, on behalf of Rich Schefren and Strategic Profits (who were among the leading Masterminders of this Launch) I am honoured to release more details for you about this Biggest Event in the IM History…
Warning! THIS OFFER IS AVAILABLE TO Strategic Profits Partners and Affiliates ONLY.
So, in order to REALLY benefit from it, you would need to become Strategic Profits Affiliate first, by clicking the following link here
(– Please first click on the link above, register and come back, OK?)
Well, now that’s out of the way – here’s more info for you on the Biggest Launch, straight from Rich Schefren and his Team:
Keep smiling!
/Val Slastnikov/
Re: The Email Persuasion Formula
If you use email marketing as part of your online business
you need to see this right away.
* It gets more of your emails opened!
* It gets more of your emails read!
* It gets more of your links clicked on!
* And it gets more of your prospects to buy!
It's called the Email Persuasion Formula.
And, it basically hands you the templates and system the
A-players in online marketing are using to transform
almost any email into a serious response-generating
Todd Brown :-)
P.S. - If you're looking to boost the open-rate of your
emails, the click-thrus, and the income-generating ability
of every email you send out... THIS IS FOR YOU!
Re: How To Become An Instant Expert
Again, I'm doing something I've never
done before...
For the first time ever I'm publicly sharing
my shortcut strategies that will turn you...
INSTANTLY... into an authority and recognized
expert in your niche.
And, the moment you become a recognized expert
in your niche, building your business online
becomes soooo much easier for you.
* You get much more free traffic!
* Your list grows so much quicker!
* Lucrative JV deals come to you!
* You get more sales, profit and personal income!
* Everything falls into place much faster!
Sound like something you're interested in??
If so, check out this video to become an
Instant Expert yourself:
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
P.S. The shortcut Instant Expert strategies
I share are the exact methods I personally
used to shoot right to the top of the
internet marketing world...
And, are the same strategies I taught my
clients... many of whom are today the
most recognized names online.
This is your chance to get these same
shortcut Instant Expert strategies and
experience the same benefits we did.
Re: You're Invited To Come On In...
If you've ever wanted a real insiders peek
at what goes on beyond the scenes of a
multi-million dollar internet marketing
Get the details here
For the FIRST TIME EVER (and probably LAST)
we're going to show you exactly how we just
created, developed, strategized, and launched
our newest wildly-successful membership program.
Want to know what we did first and why, so you
can follow along for your own product?
You'll find out!
Want to know why we used certain pieces
of content, when, where, and how, so you can
model our successful formula?
You'll find out!
Want to know how we created massive buzz,
so you can do the same in your own marketplace?
You'll find out!
Get the details here
If you've ever wanted someone to show you
EVERYTHING that goes into successfully
rolling-out a new product in your niche, THIS
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
P.S. The details, positioning, concept and strategy
behind your first or next product is even more
important than just knowing the best marketing
With the Transparent Launch you'll understand
how to make sure all of those elements are
perfectly dialed-in so your product rolls-out
Get the details here
From: Rich Schefren
August 7th, 2009
Did you read the headline above?
If not, read it now.
It sounds pretty good doesn't it?
Well, if you'd like to discover how to make that a reality... and you want to finally have a serious money-making business online that lets you live life on your own terms... with total freedom and autonomy... this could be the most important message you read all year.
Because right now you have the RARE OPPORTUNITY to get access to the most effective, most up-to-date business-building tactics and strategies for just $47. You get it all (whopping cash-flow, loads of free time, total autonomy) when you become a Member today in the brand new Founders Club.
Get your spot in the Club here.
Here's everything you get and why Membership in the Founders Club virtually insures you reach your online income goal in the shortest time possible:
Announcing... The Founders Club
1. You get a new business-building Report from me every other month mailed directly to your doorstep. Inside these Reports you get my newest and most-up-to-date business growth strategies.
2. You get the Founders Club Letter every other month also mailed directly to your doorstep. Inside the Letter you get access to our newest breakthroughs in online marketing - including the stuff we're doing within my company.
3. You get 2 online web trainings every single month that walk you thru every step of growing your business. You'll see what to do, when to do it, and how to do everything. This will keep you on the cusp of the latest marketing tactics.
4. You get 5 of my most popular marketing and business-building courses for FREE.
The Joint Venture Partnership Guide
5. You get EVERY NEW $47 course we create at Strategic Profits for the life of your Founders Club Membership. So, you never have to buy another little course from us again. You get them all for FREE.
Your Membership has a real-world value of $767.00.
But, RIGHT NOW, you get everything for JUST $47 bucks. That's all.
Get your spot in the Club here.
PLUS, right now you can try out your entire $47 Founders Club Membership for an entire month absolutely RISK-FREE.
And, if you're not blown-away by the level of training, nurturing, and hand-holding you're getting, simply let us know within the first 30 days and you'll get a complete refund.
PLUS, you can still keep ALL 5 of our marketing courses just for giving the Founders Club a chance.
You risk absolutely nothing.
Get your spot in the Club here.
Hopefully, you can see that we've done everything possible to make Membership in the Founders Club the absolute best investment you can make into your business and financial future.
I highly recommend... if you want to get on the fast-track to achieving your online business goals... that you GRAB YOUR MEMBERSHIP RIGHT NOW.
Get your spot in the Club here.
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
From: Todd Brown
Re: $47 Could Buy You Freedom
Let me be completely BLUNT...
Are you REALLY ready to get financially-free
with your online business?
Are you REALLY ready to be able to live life
on your own terms?
I mean... REALLY READY??
Because if you are, what better investment
of $47 can you make than to grab one of
the brand new Founders Club Memberships
Get your spot in the Club here.
If you're serious about your financial future and
having a business that allows you to live life on
your own terms... THE FOUNDERS CLUB CAN HELP!
I GUARANTEE if you follow the training you get as a
Member of the Founders Club, you'll MAKE MULTIPLES
of your monthly membership investment. I GUARANTEE IT!
Get your spot in the Club here.
Membership in the Founders Club is now open!
Get your spot in the Club here.
Todd Brown :-)
P.S. If you're willing to invest just $47 in your
business, life, and financial future... than you
owe it to yourself to see everything you get
with your Founders Club Membership.
Go now:
Re: Entrepreneurs - RESIST These, Please!
Which of these temptations are quietly
sabotaging your online business?
You see...
There are 30 specific TEMPTATIONS you
MUST RESIST on your path to becoming a
wildly successful entrepreneur and
If you don't know about these and
ANY of them... it will drastically
slow down your business growth and
income potential.
I'm going to make sure that doesn't
happen to YOU.
During a Live Video Stream (tomorrow),
Tuesday, August 4th at 12PM Eastern
Time, I'm going to walk you thru
each of those 30 deadly temptations.
You can access the Live Stream here
By the time we're done with tomorrow's
LIVE VIDEO STREAM, you'll know exactly
how to spot each of these INSIDIOUS
TEMPTATIONS and how to easily resist
them (so they disappear).
This way...
Growing your online business will
be much easier and quicker for you.
You can access the Live Stream here
Remember, the Live Video Stream starts
tomorrow Tuesday, August 4th at 12PM Eastern
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
P.S. For every one of the 30 tempations
you fall prey to, the speed at which
you can achieve success online slows
down dramatically.
Don't let that happen. Get on tomorrow's
Live Stream and let me show how easy
it is to spot them and circumvent them.
Re: Details On Your Founders Club Membership
Everything you get with your Membership
in our brand new Founders Club is now
You can see everything you get and
why the Founders Club virtually ensures
to skyrocket your income and personal
freedom here:
Click Here To Watch The Founders Club Video
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
have you or will you be able to get access
to my most effective and most-up-to-date
business-building tactics and strategies
at this little of a price.
From: Todd Brown
Re: What The Heck Is The Founders Club?
Since we released our brand new micro-report
the other day, The Founders Forumula, we've
been getting hammered with questions.
You have read your copy of the Founders
Formula already, right?
If not, you can grab another copy now:
Get Your Founder Formula Report Here
The feedback seems to be that the graphic
on page 10 has radically changed the way
many online marketers are going to go
about making moolah and growing their
business online.
You can read everyone's insights and
takeaways by quickly hopping over to the
blog -
Ironically, though, most of the questions
flooding-in haven't been about the new
Report at all. But, have been about Rich
Schefren's soon-to-be-unveiled Founders Club
mentioned on pages 16 and 17.
Our support has been getting inundated with
questions such as:
* How will the Founders Club help a brand new
marketer go from zero to a big income and
freedom from their eventual business?
* How will the Founders Club propel a
veteran marketer to total freedom from
their company?
* How will the Founders Club differ from
everything else ever offered at Strategic
* What will you get when you become a
member of the Founders Club next Wednesday
August 15th?
* And... the big one... is membership in
the Founders Club going to be in the
thousands or hundreds of dollars?
Well, rather than write a lengthy email answering
all of those questions for you, I've decided to
release a video tomorrow (Saturday) to answer
everything for you.
So, tomorrow's video will reveal everything
for you.
Please keep in mind while you're waiting for
tomorrow's video...
Me, Rich, Brian and the entire Team at Strategic
Profits have been working on the Founders Club
for close to 5 months now to make sure it gives
you exactly what you need to shortcut your
path to financial, personal and business freedom
And, I think you'll see that in tomorrow's video.
But, even with that said...
The Founders Club will NOT be for everyone, nor
do I believe everyone will be willing to invest
the money to become a Member.
But, that's okay.
The Founders Club was designed from the ground
up for entrepreneurs truly serious about making
big money online in the shortest time possible...
AND.. with the personal time and freedom to
enjoy their success.
If that describes you... you'll want to watch
tomorrow's video.
Todd Brown :-)
P.S. Even though Rich is in Cleveland for the
weekend hanging out with Jay Abraham and Dan
Kennedy, I'll be watching the blog to answer
the smaller questions being left there.
So, if you have some shorter questions, hop
over to the blog now, and fire-away. :-)
Download your FREEBIE COPY of this
right away...
Get Your Founder Formula Report Here
It's a brand new micro-report we've
just released called the Founder Formula.
And, in just 18 quick pages it shows
you the shortest path to achieving
ANY online business goal.
This is the next step in our Founder
Get Your Founder Formula Report Here
Plus, inside you'll also see:
* How to design a business that allows you
to take one-week, two-week, and even one-month
* Why you MUST AVOID the Outsourcing Myth
so many unsuspecting online marketers are
buying into.
* The most effective way to apply marketing
tactics to your online business. Do it any
other way and your results will suffer!
* How to avoid information overload. (This is
the secret method Founders use to learn and
grow stress-free)
* The X-Factor that's even more important than
knowing how to get new customers. This one
thing is THE difference between average
marketers and the masters!
* The 2 areas of your online business that make
you money and determine how much you grow. Most
online marketers get this totally backwards.
* The simple solution that solves almost any
business problem.
* The online marketing mentality you MUST FLEE
FROM... if you ever want to make the big
money online with little effort long-term.
* Why a majority of online marketers are
building their online businesses completely
backwards. And, how to build your business
like a Founder so you gain complete autonomy
and freedom in your life.
* ...and much, MUCH MORE!
Get Your Founder Formula Report Here
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
P.S. Inside your brand new Founder Formula
micro-report, you'll also be shown the ONLY
path to easy success online.
This works whether you want to get complete
freedom from your business or just make an
extra hundred-thousand dollars per year.
Every online marketer asks me at one
point or another...
"Rich, is there any kind of SHORT-CUT
to creating a successful online business,
and if so, what is it?"
Funny thing is... as the guy known
for being totally against the
"opportunity-seeker mentality",
my answer usually surprises folks.
"YES! There IS a short-cut to
creating a successful online
"Only, it's NOT what most marketers
think it is."
Then, I usually go on to reveal what
the short-cut is.
For YOU... today... I do the same in
video #4 of our Founder Video Series.
You'll hear my quickly explain the
shortest path to achieving any of
your online business goals.
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
P.S. If you've ever wanted to short-cut
the time it will take for you to create
your own successful online business,
this short video is for you.
Most online marketers are missing a critical
piece to the business-growth puzzle.
Without this piece, knowing what to do in your
business, and even how to do it, is NOT enough.
This is why so many online marketers continue to
struggle even though they're effectively implementing
many of the most effective marketing tactics in their
If this has been your experience, you're certainly
not alone.
More than likely you've just never been given
the one missing puzzle piece.
The W.H.W. Equation I share in our newest Founder
Video gives you that missing piece.
Watch The W.H.W. Equation Video Here
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
P.S. This video reveals how "flipping" one thing in
your business could totally revolutionize your results.
This is probably the EASIEST way to
experience a significant jump in your
online income.
Funny thing is...
It's actually a single question that
identifies the SWEET SPOT for you
and your online business.
This is the same question I credit
for the RAPID SUCCESS I personally
experienced when first getting online.
Watch Founders Video #2 to get the Question
If you're willing to take a few minutes
right now to answer this question
for yourself... there's no doubt...
your path to bigger and faster
business success will become
much, much clearer.
Watch Founders Video #2 to get the Question
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
P.S. Have you ever wondered why some
online marketers seem to have it easy when
it comes to getting JV partners and making
money online??
Want to know the reason why these marketers
DO have it easier?
It's because they've each... at some point...
answered this same question.
Rich here, and if your answer to that question is
"no", then you need to see this free video...
Because to put it bluntly, Tom McCarthy knows how
to help you get what you want.
After all, this is a guy who went from a poor,
single-parent household to becoming one of the
most successful business coaches in the world to
Fortune 500 companies.
It's true--companies like Disney, Cisco, Unisys,
Merck, Marriott, and scores of others rely on Tom
to help them build their empires and bring in
bigger profits.
In fact, I was so impressed with Tom's strategies,
I asked him to emcee my New Beginnings event in
Orlando last year (which he totally knocked out of
the park).
By the way, that video in Orlando is here also...
And inside this video, he's going to reveal the
secret to creating more--and better--opportunities
in your life so you can get everything you want in
the fastest time possible.
Watch and you'll see what I mean...
This video will only be available for the next few
So go there NOW before it's too late. There's no
charge whatsoever and it's only a few minutes
But what you'll take from this video will be
invaluable not only to your business, but your
personal life too.
I know it was for me.
See you inside.
To Higher Profits,
P.S. When you watch the video, you'll hear some
incredible stories...
Tom's journey to success is an amazing one, and
you'll be inspired by his climb to the top.
Plus, Tom will also reveal how you can immediately
apply these same success principles to your life
and achieve positive results very quickly.
Don't miss out on this...
To watch the brand new training video
(I recorded at my favorite cigar bar)
"How To Get Complete Freedom From
Your Business" - go here
Quick question for ya...
Do you have a business that grows,
gets better, gets more efficient,
and makes you more and more money
without you having to be there or
"make it happen"?
I'm NOT just talking about a business
that gives you free time or extra money...
I'm talking about a business that
actually IMPROVES and becomes more
and more successful on its own,
without your personal time or attention
Imagine having a business that you
could leave for days, weeks, even
months... and... when you come back
to it, it's actually MORE PROFITABLE,
more popular, more respected, and
functioning even better than when you
left it.
That's what I show you how to get in
the brand new training video I recorded
for you while hanging out at my favorite
cigar bar.
Watch the video here
To Higher Profits,
Rich Schefren
P.S. This video explains how to truly
get complete freedom from your business
so you can live life on your own terms.
Watch it here
His death came as quite a shock not only to me,
but also to Debi and my two daughters. He was a
kind of icon in our family; someone we often
imitated for fun but knew we were never came close
to his talent.
See that question in the subject line? Thousands
of people have asked me that over the years...
Because they're looking for the "magic pill" that
will catapult their business to new heights and
make them a major player in their niche.
But I've got a secret for you today...
There IS no "magic pill" so to speak. Truth is,
there's many elements that go into growing a
business to become a massive success.
However, if you were to closely examine Strategic
Profits along with some of my guru pals' mega
online-empires, you would see one common
element with all of us.
This single strategy has played a MAJOR part in
our success...and consistently put millions of
dollars in our pockets with very little effort.
A magic pill? Nope. But about as close as it gets...
Yes, I'm talking about joint venturing, the
fastest, easiest way to generate a huge influx of
cash into your business today and for many days
to come.
The JV is as powerful as it is simple. For only a
tiny fraction of your time and efforts, you can
have a virtual army of salespeople promoting your
products day in and day out.
And in my new book, "The Complete Guide to
Highly-Successful Internet Joint Venture Partnerships:
How to Create Profit Windfalls and Skyrocket Your
Online Business", I give you a crash course in the
Rich Schefren model for setting up winning JV
Isn't that what you've been looking for?
Inside "The Complete Guide To Highly Successful
Internet Joint Venture Partnerships", I'll hand
you an A-to-Z marketing manual that takes you behind the
velvet rope to break down every facet of JV
partnering into quick, easy-to-digest bites...
I'm basically giving you the keys to
everything...from mastering the mindset to
modeling success...from creating an affiliate
program to building authority...from putting a
fast 25K in your pocket to steady profits an auto-
pilot. And SO much more!
This is the same blueprint I used for creating the
JV relationships that helped me build a $7.5
million business in only a year. And it can be
yours for the price of dinner for two.
So you REALLY want to know how I did it?
Good--I'll see you inside.
To Higher Profits,
P.S. Oh, I almost forgot about the templates...
Inside my book, you'll also receive 16 of my own
highly-successful emails you can virtually steal
and use as templates for your own autoresponder
I'm not exaggerating when I tell you that these
emails have made me millions of dollars. Heck,
just one of them is responsible for putting
$98,455.00 into my pockets.
That's correct--$98,455.00 with just 1 of these
emails. And you're getting that exact email copy--
PLUS 15 more--for free.
And if that wasn't enough, I've even added
templates for a JV proposal letter... other sample
JV agreements (including my own affiliate
contract)... and much more. Just swipe and go!
What more can I do for you?
As I have said many times, it is about your prospects and
not what you like...
Today there is more information about customers than ever
before, and more being generated every minute. And, there
are many ways to motivate them all the way from simply
putting your logo or marketing message on m&m's and
packaging them in a variety of creative ways, to more
effective loyalty programs, to really analyzing all the data
you have and is now available on your customers.
Twenty-five years ago a firm’s assets were in machinery and
equipment, estimated to be about 85% with only 15% in
intangible forms of knowledgeware. However, that mix of
tangible to intangible assets is exactly reversed.
The marriage of the internet with mobile telephony now
allows for a powerful one-to-one channel direct to your
customers. Advances in information technology gives you the
ability to use data on your customers’ transactions to motivate
them in ways never before possible.
A new technique with global implications is called "crowd
sourcing" - asking internet users for ideas of what they
want, or would like to see changed. What a fabulous source
for new product development! Add blogs and social
networks to that, and we have a universe of online focus groups - a
marketer's paradise.
Not only is the internet gathering this type of trend analysis,
it is also allowing for the crunching of data from credit-card
transactions and customer programs. This can range all the
way from profiling customers based upon what they are
buying to the relationship between cultural variables and
buying habits.
I was thinking more about this while at Marketing Sherpa a
couple weeks ago. As you all probably know we do a lot of
segmenting on our lists. But one of my ‘ah ha’ moments was
the value of segmenting into male/female.
For example, did you know that almost two thirds of women
will select a soft drink with the purchase of their favorite
magazine. And, almost half will read their magazine with
yogurt or a dairy treat.
What if, instead of getting a pack of coupons via snail mail
for a variety of products you don't buy, you were to
electronically receive coupons for products very specific to
your consumption patterns? The effectiveness of these laser-
targeted promotions over the internet can be dramatic, as
opposed to the haphazard direct mail campaigns of the past.
We just did this exact process on the current Jeff Walker
launch and it worked well, as a matter of fact, we were the
number one affiliate.
By collecting and organizing data that we generate
electronically from our credit cards, cell phones and laptops,
savvy marketers can create a mosaic of our behavior and
develop a more granular segmentation of customer types
than ever before.
As I have said many times, successful marketers know their
customers intimately. By studying their changing consumption
patterns they can anticipate their desires, and by delighting
them with solutions to their problems before they know they
have them, they can entice them to spend more money on
their products.
However, you have to be able to capture this treasure trove
of data and use it effectively, as it will unlock the door to the
customers’ mind. It's like unraveling a customer's DNA.
In reality, it is the most sensible way to predict what we will
do next. And, we are constantly spewing forth data about
ourselves that is being captured electronically all day long.
This exploding world of data leads a smart marketer directly
to our wallet or purse.
So the question is - are you mining all the data you have or
that is available to you, so that you can tailor your product or
service offerings to the changing requirements of specific
customer types, and target them more effectively via the
internet? Wouldn't you like to delight your customers with
products and applications to make their lives better?
If you are confused as to how to get started on a more
intelligent approach to analyzing all the data available to you
on customers, or where and how to get more information
on their changing consumption patterns and requirements;
let's start a dialogue.
You certainly can't refute the fact that the internet and
information technology has created a gigantic opportunity to
explore customer behavior like never before. But, are you
participating in it?
Check this out, this is a great webinar from Todd Brown you don't want to miss:
Discover The Secret To Creating
Wildly Profitable Information Products
At Lightning Pace!
Go Here -
Hey Val, just a quick note to let you that
Jeff Walker just posted a brand new video here:
This is Jeff's entire step-by-step Product Launch
blueprint, from A to Z. And it's KILLER.
Jeff goes deep into the Product Launch Formula
system and reveals some VERY cool tactics and
strategies, like the "sideways sales letter", how
"hope marketing" will doom your business, and
much more.
This is pure, 100% content taken directly from the
product launch master and handed to you on a
silver platter...absolutely free.
How's that for value?
Hope you enjoy it as much as I did...
To Higher Profits,
P.S. Watch your email for a very special message
from me early Wednesday morning...
Because Jeff's Product Launch Formula 2.2 goes
live tomorrow at 2:00 PM eastern. And we've got
a lineup of bonuses that will totally knock you off
your chair.
Seriously--I've NEVER put together a bonus package
of this magnitude. It's worth multiple thousands
of dollars in itself.
But tomorrow, you'll get it for FREE just by
becoming part of Product Launch Formula 2.2
through our special web page.
So keep an eye out...because there's a limited
number of bonuses available. And I'd hate for you
to miss out.
In the meantime, check out Jeff's video now to get
a better glimpse inside his remarkable system...
Hey there Val, I just made a new post to the
Inside, I'll show you how a sappy old song from
1970 can actually help you write better copy...and
generate bigger profits in your business.
Plus, I'll hand you 3 actionable tips to help bring
your prospects, customers, and subscribers
"close to you" (yeah, I went there).
This one was fun to write.
See you inside...
To Higher Profits,
P.S. Make sure you check out the special link I
stashed inside this message...
Because the same copywriting master that showed
me this oh-so-simple (but oh-so-PROFITABLE)
strategy is giving away the farm...for Free.
No kidding. See for yourself.
Don't pee in the pool...
OK, I know that is gross but that was the message
staring me in the face when I logged into my
Infusion account last week. The point they were
making is that the email marketing world is being
destroyed because of the horrendous practices of
uneducated email marketers. Deliverability is
declining, open rates declining, attention of the
recipient declining, etc...
Two days after I saw that message I received an
email from Jeff Mask, the VP at Infusion, asking
me to speak at one of their events because our
email practices at Strategic Profits are stellar.
Needless to say my email got through his spam
blocker, LOL. We have one of the lowest complaint
rates out of all their customers.
So I figured I would share some of the things we
do to accomplish that. There is no way I could
cover everything that I would need to in this article
to make you an expert. Being a deliverability
expert is a job in itself but I will give you a few tips
on what we do.
What would it mean to you to increase your
deliverability, open rates and conversions by 10,
15, 25 even 30% or more? Well if you have a list
like we do, that could be the difference between a
$100,000 dollar JV promotion and a $200,000
However, just blasting out to your whole list every
time you get the urge is not properly capitalizing on
your most valued asset.
OK, I know. If I get another marketer telling me
that people just want to be sold and the more you
bash them over the head and pound them into the
ground with email the more money you make, I'm
going to puke.
I understand that concept and if that is what you
think I applaud your misguided enthusiasm. There
is a right and a wrong way to do that but more
important there is a better more effective way to
do that.
We try not to do one email to our whole list at
once. The days of that are over for us. We
segment our list very intelligently and we talk to
the segments appropriately. Thereby decreasing
complaints and opt-outs. Recipients are just sick
of everyone's babble. Respect who you are talking
Your list could be segmented in many ways. As an
example; A customers, the people that buy your
back-end expensive products. B customers, the
people that buy your lower priced front-ends but
just have not yet stepped up to your more
expensive products. C customers that take
advantage of your special deals and shipping only
type offers but have not bought anything else.
The rest of your list (prospects) can be segmented
into many different lists based on your company
needs and markets. We currently have 62 different
segments. From buyers of partner or affiliate
products, to people that registered for teleseminars,
to people who are just blog readers, to people who
just like to watch and see what we are doing. YES
WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE and stop being lurkers.
That is important because we will write sometimes
many different emails, depending on who we are
talking to for the same product or promotion.
I just did a video with my friend Mike Filsaime. We
talked about the fact if someone walks into
McDonalds and orders a salad with fat free dressing
and 2% milk; you don't try to upsell them into a big
mac with extra cheese and a super size coke. You
have to know your list and talk to them the way
they want to be talked to or are used to being talked
Here is an example below of two emails of a
promotion we did for our Strengths Mastery
Strengths Mastery Advantage FOR Entrepreneurs
SUBJECT: Are you "master" of your domain?
Hey there FIRSTNAME, Rich here, just remembering
a classic episode of "Seinfeld"...
Maybe you do too. Jerry, George, and all the gang
had a bet to see who was "master of their domain".
Now, the subject matter to be "mastered" was a
little more delicate than I want to talk about here.
But if you saw this one, you know what I'm talking
about (and you're smiling right now).
And as I was thinking back on this episode,
something struck me...
How many of us are truly "mastering" our strengths
to create the biggest profits possible?
Because discovering your strengths (and your
weaknesses) and leveraging them properly is vital
to achieving the wealth, freedom, and lifestyle
you've always dreamed of.
And here's the fastest and easiest way to do
exactly that.
Email For White Collar Business Owners
SUBJECT: Are you leveraging your strengths?
It goes without saying that leveraging your
strengths properly is a key fundamental to
maximizing your profit margin while minimizing
risk in your business...
By leveraging your talents--and also managing
your weaknesses--you can quickly gain a
competitive advantage in your marketplace and
enjoy long-term success.
But how can you do that exactly? What are the
best ways to get better results for your business
without adding time, effort, and expense to the
You'll find your answer right here.
Don't you think the conversion was higher
because we customized the copy for these
Next, don't try to trick ISPs and think you are
getting away with it. Been there done that. I
just laugh when I see the word free cleverly
"disguised" with other punctuation in subject
lines. Don't you think they are smart enough to
pick up on those types of antics?
Well I'm in the mix enough to tell you they know
all the tricks. Just follow the industry standards,
do the right things and the things they ask.
It's just like dealing with Google Adwords. You
get the best scores and get to the top by doing
what Google wants to see.
I just recently got a wakeup call because we had
too many blank lines at the bottom of our emails
before the opt-out links. We got our hand slapped
because that is opt-out padding and you will get
slapped for doing it.
Run your emails through a score checker. There
are many out there that will give you a good
indication if you will have deliverability problems
with a particular email you are sending. We use the
Habeas monitor... now ReturnPath... as well as a
few others.
There are many more tips, and I will hit some in
future episodes. But the main message is to do the
right thing and over time your reputation score
will rise along with your income because of it. Treat
it like your personal credit score and understand it
does take time. If we all do the right thing the ISPs
won't keep making it so much harder for us.
You need both for a successful marriage.
Before I get started talking about your value
proposition I wanted to ask right up front to please
send this link to your friends and share this free
Ezine with them...
We work had to bring these to you and we want to
share them with people who we can make a
difference with. Again, don't be lurkers, share the
wealth. Thanks.
If you had just ten words with which to describe
why people should buy from your company instead
of another's, what would you say?
About a week ago, I did a special call and the
subject was "what is your elevator pitch?" That call
sparked much conversation and many great ideas.
We talked on that call about the importance of your
value proposition. As a result, I have been receiving
many requests to talk more about it. I was also in
Miami this week at the Sherpa event and this came
up again, so I wanted to share this information with
This Ezine may read very sterile, but I feel this will
be the best way to get this important point across.
In a conversion process either in your web site or
landing pages, there is a process that I use to check
to make sure we are following best practices.
That conversion process is C=4M + 3V + 2(i-f) - 2A
Got that? Great. We are off to a good start.
Of course I am kidding and there is much more to
this that I can explain in this Ezine. Go to Marketing
Experiments and brush up on this sequence. For
today's Ezine, the second coefficient of 3V is our
focus. But first just a brief explanation of motivation
is in order to help walk you through the process.
The number one and highest factor in conversion is
4M which is the motivation of the user. Or, where
is your traffic coming from? That is where you get
deep into your channel map. Channel mapping is a
multi-step method to determine the performance
and effectiveness of the channels of traffic that
generate revenue for your business. It enables you
to make smarter business decisions and is much
more effective than simple "Marketing Projections."
In reference to your site, channel mapping is the
process of identifying the primary sources of
traffic, measuring their performance, identifying
"why" they perform as they do, and using that
information to find new channels that will be
When we refer to motivation however, we are
thinking of 2 components:
1. The nature of the customer's demand for the
product--that is, the reason(s)
2. The magnitude of the customer's demand for
the product
That might be a little gray to you at this point,
but I wanted to give you some explanation of the
most important factor in your conversion. More
on that later.
Now onto Value Proposition or, the primary reason
why a prospect should buy from you. I explained
that this should also be clear to you when
developing your "elevator pitch." This is where you
MUST differentiate yourself from your competitors.
It is okay to match what your competitors can offer,
but there must be one or more major reasons that
set you apart. You need to excel in at least one
element of value. When you excel, you become the
BEST CHOICE for your customer.
The value proposition for your company is
different from the value proposition for your product.
You must address both, or what I should say is that
you need to focus and clearly state your value
proposition for both your company as well as when
you are selling a specific product. They are not the
same. You must have this same mindset when you
are creating your pages for your products. In our
internet marketing world, every product offer you
make has its own value proposition as well.
Ok, here are the principles for creating and
possessing your value proposition. These are
things to be thinking about while you are creating
-A value proposition is not usually determined; it
is discovered. It grows out of need.
- Avoid a sales-driven approach to product
development. You should develop products for the
- Ask yourself this question: "Why should my ideal
prospect (the group you intend to serve) buy from
me instead of a competitor?"
- Compare your answer with the claims of your main
- Refine your value proposition until you can
articulate it in a single, instantly credible,
Now that you have it, the objective is to convey
your value proposition through your landing pages
and message in the clearest and most compelling
way possible.
There is a significant difference between the
possession of a value proposition and the
communication of a value proposition. While one
group fails because it does not possess an effective
value proposition, another fails because, although it
possesses an effective value proposition, it does not
communicate it effectively.
To overcome the latter problem one must think
holistically about the value proposition. This involves
two key elements; Congruence and Continuity.
Congruence--having every element of your page,
Adwords, emails, etc. either state the value
proposition or support the value proposition.
This can be expressed in your . . .logos, price,
design features, images, colors, etc. . . . And Yes!
It's that serious, and we do think about that in
everything we do here at Strategic Profits. It is a
daily conversation in the marketing group.
And Continuity--making certain that each step of
the buy process either states or supports the
value proposition. (All the collateral supports or
states value prop).
To approximate the potential appeal of an offer,
use this simple ranking system. Its value lies
more in its conceptual framework than its
mathematical precision. It can be a useful tool for
optimizing your offers.
0-No interest
1-Possible interest
2-High interest
0-Anywhere else
1-Somewhere else
2-Nowhere else
1. Rank the ideal customer's desire level for the offer.
2. Rank the exclusivity of the offer.
3. Multiply the two integers.
4. If the total is less than 2, re-craft your offer.
Enough said!
Well enough said except for one thing. How are
you drafting your value proposition in times like
today? When people are scared, don't want to
spend money, are hesitant to invest in assets
never mind their education.
Well, here is your answer; get on this free 2 hour
Jay Abraham call and listen to what Jay will teach
you about this process and taking your business to
a whole new level. I promise you won't be
Go here to register:
Beat The Recession
Check Out Some Of The Strategic Profits
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* Business Growth System:
Countless Entrepreneurs Have Transformed
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by Rich Schefren @ Strategic Profits
Bonus of the Week:
A special message from Rich Schefren...
I'm sure you know who Mike Filsaime is...
When I was coaching Mike early on in his career,
I could see this guy was going places.
But I had NO idea he would change the face of
internet marketing forever when he released this.
With Butterfly Marketing, Mike offered a simple,
no-hassle system for making websites go viral and
turning your little internet business into a mega
marketing empire.
And thousands of people jumped on board--many
of them generating massive income within only days
of implementing Mike's step-by-step program.
And the coolest part? They're still going strong
But here's what's got me perplexed...
While it's true that Butterfly Marketing put Mike
on the map, propelling him to the top of the guru
...what he's doing NOW is causing the rest of us
to scratch our heads.
Because Mike's decided to give away his entire
Butterfly Marketing course...absolutely Free.
You read that correctly--the same course that
thousands paid $1997 for just a few short years
ago can now be shipped directly to your door with
only a few clicks of the mouse.
This is truly a remarkable opportunity to grab one
of the most powerful systems ever developed for
generating an enormous income from your online
business quickly and easily.
And all you need to do is go here and register.
But hurry--Mike's only releasing 5000 copies of
his landmark home study course and software for
free. After they're gone, they're gone.
So stamp your name on one of them NOW.
To Higher Profits,
P.S. As if Mike wasn't giving away the farm
already, he's upping the ante even more...
If you register for your Free copy right now,
you'll get immediate access to Mike's Butterfly
Marketing Manuscript as well.
This document goes deeper into the Butterfly
Marketing concept, revealing even more powerful
strategies for creating incredible wealth and
freedom from your online business.
And it can be yours in the next few seconds just
by going to the web page below.
Don't pass this up!
Hey Val,
Just made a new post to the blog.
So why do I have Michael Jackson's "Rockin' Robin"
going through my head like a broken record?
Because I've been Tweeting like a madman over the
past few months. And it's paying off. BIG TIME.
In this blog post, I'll tell you exactly how Twitter can
create a fan base of thousands and make you a
bundle of cash faster and easier than anything we've
seen for quite a while.
Don't miss this one...
See you inside...
P.S. Did you know there's a cool little program
that can help accelerate your Tweeting activities
(and multiply your followers ten times over)
without paying a cent?
Yeah, it's a freebie. And it's made my tweeting a
LOT easier (and lot more profitable).
I'll tell you more inside...
Back in the day, Debi and I lived in Manhattan.
Traffic is always a nightmare in the city. So, if we were
going someplace close, we almost always went on
rollerblades. It was fantastic because we'd weave
through traffic, go down one-way streets in the
opposite direction and hop on sidewalks in a mad dash
to our destination.
But ever since we moved to sunny Boca Raton, Florida,
our blades have been gathering dust.
This weekend, we decided to break out the blades and
have some fun as a family. But before we hit the streets,
Debi and I took our girls, Ava and Elle, to Sports Authority
Saturday morning to get them roller-skates.
We found the perfect skates, protective wrist guards, and
slick helmets. Both Ava and Elle decided to wear their
skates out of the store so we put their sneakers in the
boxes and carried all the boxes to the register.
On the way to the front, Elle our four-year old lost her
balance and grabbed onto Debi's sweat pants. But, they
weren't tied so in a split second Debi's pants were down
by her ankles.
So, there she was laughing, boxes in hand and pants at
her ankles.
I quickly put my boxes down, pulled her pants up and got
Elle back on her feet.
And, in that moment I remembered why I fell in love with
She didn't panic, she didn't scream, she just laughed at
the situation she found herself in.
And in that episode, she also displayed one of the key
entrepreneurial success traits that many online marketers
seem to lack - Autonomy.
You see, Debi doesn't really care what others might think.
And this perspective is crucial if you want to succeed in
business today. Bottom line, if you are too concerned about
what other people might think you'll end up paralyzed by fear.
So, what about you?
Do you laugh when you're caught with your pants down?
Or, do you panic and worry about what others might think?
Your answer is a bigger predictor of your success than you
might imagine.
Remember this: You must be emotionally free before you'll
ever get financially free.
More over, think about where you might be hitting a snag
emotionally and you'll most likely find the anchor that's
holding you back financially.
And that my friend, is what you must cast aside on your
journey to success.
To higher profits,
Hey Val,
Here's a question I get a lot that you may have too.
"Rich, how can I build a real business on the Internet
and be successful like your coaching clients have?"
I always tell my students to follow in the footsteps of
successful people.
Identify successful people to watch, find out exactly
what enabled them to become successful, and do your
best to emulate the activities and mindset of these
The most important thing you need to know is this...
There is no need to reinvent the wheel.
You don't have to come up with a new way to be
successful that no one has ever used. In fact, this is
the last thing you want to do.
Success leaves signs and footprints. All you have to
do is follow the same signs and walk in the same
footprints where successful people have gone before
So what's the easiest way to follow in the footsteps of
my most successful clients? And use the same proven
system to build the online business of your dreams?
I've even made it easy for you to check it out for
yourself... so you can decide if it's right for you.
The few minutes you spend on this web page could be
the turning point in your efforts to make a living online.
You could look back on this day as the day that
launched your business success... and your new life.
To higher profits,
P.S. When I started out online, I was working way too
hard for the money I was making. And I surely wasn't
building a real business.
That's when I got wise and put the real business
strategies that had brought me success before into action.
These same strategies worked for me, and thousands of
successful clients around the world. And they will work
for you too... so you can build a real online business.