You missed out on something spectacular yesterday
-- and normally that would be a tragedy.
Why? Read just some of the wildly positive
feedback we received from entrepreneurs just like
you who listened in on the panel broadcast to see
what you missed out on...
Karl says:
"The panel members were extraordinary as the
name states. These millionaires have
absolutely brilliant insights coming from so
many different angels that it resonated with
me on an unbelievable level. Thank you to all
the panel members."
Greg says:
"How could I go wrong engaging and enlisting
some of the strongest minds in business.
There are too many things to list that I have
taken away from these interviews. If the rest
are like this... I will be miles ahead of where I
am now. I definitely plan on telling as many
people as possible about this "Extraordinary"
series. I'm already looking forward to the next
Gerard Wong says:
"The first session was filled with so much
distilled wisdom and practical strategies
that would have taken many years for an
individual to discover by himself. The panel
has translated the confusion into useful
actionable items.
Kudos also to Jay and Rich, not only for
putting the whole thing together but also for
the invaluable insight from their own
interpretations of the panel discussion."
Conray says:
"I have travel around the world seeking some
of the wisdom of the greatest business minds
SEVERAL times, I have been on the top
training programmes and learned a lot, BUT at
a huge expense and major cost. At this
webinar I got the most amazing value in
comfort of my home! This is a real WOW!"
Anise says:
"The experts helped clarify why some things
have not been going well in my present
business, the things that need to be
addressed and the means to do it."
Get The Recording, Transcript and Action Guide
We created the nine guest panels to give you and
your business explosive profit breakthroughs in
the next six weeks alone. This way you'd be eager
to continue as paid member.
But that will never happen for either of us (you
won't get the breakthroughs... we won't get you as
an ongoing paid member) if we don't figure out a
way to get you to experience each and every one of
these nine separate expert panel sessions.
We don't know if you forgot, or had a scheduling
conflict -- or really and truly didn't realize that we
were going to "deliver-the-goods", just like we
But we did. In fact we overdelivered. In case you
don't believe it, here are some more rave reviews
we got yesterday...
Mariana says:
"Great information, anyone in business should
register to this amazing resource. Thanks."
Dan Johnston says:
"Some great refreshers and a ton of new
information. Joining the webinar has really
helped get me back into the zone and focus on
a few key sales issues."
John says:
"This is not your typical internet marketing
product, it is more a masters level business
education in marketing. There was so much
information in such a short period of time! I
am positive this information will benefit my
life and business."
Boyana says:
"First, I want to say Thank You for this
great webcast! I took tons of notes, and I'm
intend to come back to them and act on what I
learned. I really appreciate the action steps
on how to make yourself be seen as credible,
as well as how to create lasting relationships
with your partners by listening."
Glen says:
"So far, I have a few good takeaways. 1) To
build trust quickly, commit, deliver, repeat.
2) The importance of remaining relevant to
our target customer. 3) Most of us do not see
ourselves as others see us. 4) Publish to gain
credibility by being relevant and providing
actionable, effective insight. Thank you Rich
and Jay for your efforts."
Richard says:
"I already employed some of the things from
the Tony Robbins audio. I am glad I joined. I
am learning new stuff all the time. To a friend
I would say, there is great inspiration to be had
here no matter where you are at in business."
Get The Recording, Transcript and Action Guide
We want YOU to be part of our ongoing paid
service. So, in a sincere effort to make that
happen we've decided to re-extend to you the offer
to receive the complete collection of transcripts,
audio recordings, and highly detailed action-
planning-guides for each and every one of the nine
guest panels -- including the one you just missed.
That way (whether you attend the actual broadcast
or not) you'll ALWAYS have a way to profit from
each and every brilliant idea each expert panelist
shares in those sessions.
But it gets better...
Our goal here is to win you over as a long term,
paid member.
So, we're offering you nine recordings, nine
complete transcripts, and nine master-level action
planning guides (seriously worth nearly one
thousand dollars) all for a ridiculously modest price
of just $47.
But it gets better still...
For that one meager payment we're also going to
"buy" you your first full month of the paid
premium service, on top.
And even that modest payment will NOT be
considered binding on your part by us until you've
received all the recordings, transcripts and action
guides for all nine panels.
If they don't dramatically multiply the value of
the service just tell us at the end of the ninth
session and your $47 will be rushed right back to
If the guest membership pays off the way we
promised, stay in the paid service for as long as
IT continues to deliver-the-goods. But there's
never any long term commitment on your part.
You can cancel any month it fails to deliver.
Click here to get your transcripts, recordings,
and action guides -- all within 72 hours of each
panel broadcast.
Get The Recording, Transcript and Action Guide
To your business success,
Rich Schefren
Jay Abraham
P.S. When you sign up you'll immediately get the
recording of last night's panel session (that you
Get The Recording, Transcript and Action Guide
P.P.S. As a point of reference, according to Alexa
the webcast last night was the ninth most popular
website on the Internet worldwide. Entrepreneurs
everywhere recognize profitable advice when they
hear it. Don't miss out on these valuable and
profitable takeaways...
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